Leadership Coaching

We help professionals (C-suite executives, company founders, medical professionals, and other business leaders) who are looking to amplify their impact, while drastically reducing stress and overwhelm.

We've been there, in the trenches of many high-pressure, technology-focused, business environments, thinking that there must be some silver bullet (more money, a loving partner, fewer work hours, more travel, etc.), then happiness and peace of mind would magically appear.

But it turns out that it works the other way around — peace of mind is innate — always there — just waiting to be uncovered. And from a place of well-being, the "world" looks completely different; and success, including financial, career, or business success, takes on a whole new meaning.

As we start working together, you'll come to gain a deep understanding of yourself and your innate mental well-being.  As our relationship continues, it will become obvious how to integrate this understanding into your being, nearly effortlessly, resulting in becoming a better, more compassionate, more impactful, more powerful, and more effective leader.

If any of this sounds promising, please schedule a time where we can talk about what being more impactful would look like to you and how we can get there together. 

The Details

We work with leaders  who are interested in amplifying their impact, drastically reducing stress and anxiety, and contributing to the greater good.

Most of our clients have spent much of their lives chasing financial success (and sometimes finding it), yet still continuously find themselves stuck in a maze of dissatisfaction with life. We can help you out of that maze and while still keeping your high-performer side alive.

Outcome #1: A Deep Sense of Innate Well-Being

Together, following a thorough intake process to understand your perceptions of the world and desired outcomes, we'll explore some principles that apply universally to the experience we call being human. Along the way, you'll have insights — quite literally, you'll see something new, from within yourself. From there, everything can change, without effort.
  • Experience a lasting, pervasive sense of peace that can't be depleted by anything (not money, health, relationships, geopolitics, artificial intelligence, or even a rocky past or uncertain future).
  • Trust that everything is falling into place exactly as it should and "being" can be even more wonderful than "doing."
  • Quit your addiction to power and winning, without losing any power and while winning just as much.
  • Be comfortable in your own skin, regardless of how others view you.

Outcome #2: "Real-World" Results

We'll use this newfound sense of well-being as the basis of a framework to attain these "real-world" results:

In Business

  • Make decisions in alignment with your heart, without allowing your thinking to second-guess you.
  • See the world through a completely different lens, and become a "lighthouse leader" that naturally breeds staunchly loyal teams. 
  • See through the fog to opportunities when disaster strikes and see opportunities where others see none.
  • Gain more financial success, though that may no longer be your primary focus.
  • Structure deals so that everyone wins, without seeing "others" as competition.

In Life

  • Relationships will improve, even heal, without having to "work" on them and you'll have greater connection, even with those you previously found difficult. You'll become more naturally kind.
  • Your physical health will shift, without "dieting," or forcing yourself to go to the gym.
  • You'll worry — about everything — far, far less: finances, wars, your family, and the future.
  • You'll stop chasing alcohol (or stronger substances), comfort food, and lavish experiences, while still experiencing the joys of food, travel, and so on, that you truly desire.